Predictive Analytics Systems

Analytics Services

Our analytics services though comprehensive, are available ala carte. We work hard to develop an analytics solution that works seamlessly with your organization, combining our capabilities with your existing investment in talent.

Services available

Project management

Your project manager is responsible for your campaigns from planning to execution. They are your single point of contact for all activities related to your campaigns.

Strategic and tactical planning

We start each engagement by discovering and understanding your core business objectives. What do you want to accomplish? What are your strategic objectives for this quarter or this year? The answers to these questions drive the overall campaign strategy, laying the foundation for the development of tactical plans that both your teams and ours work from.

Data aggregation and warehousing

For many organizations data warehousing is old hat, and marketing may have easy access to the data it needs, but others, you may find "chunks" of relevant campaign data spread throughout the organization. Regardless of your situation, we work with you to develop a realistic plan to capture, aggregate and eventually warehouse key campaign data.

Data enrichment and cleaning

With many organizations, regardless of how or where their data is maintained, the data may lack the richness or quality required to provide meaningful and actionable analysis results. To uncover the often subtle, but powerful insights from your data we can add additional detailed information. Our data partners, Axciom and Dun & Bradstreet can provide you with a more complete picture of who your target audience is.

Predictive and descriptive data analysis

The predictive and descriptive data analysis we use provide decision-making insights that truly take marketing from an art to a science. Imagine if you could know your response and conversion rates before you executed a campaign. With our ability to build robust predictive models quickly, you can afford to apply this technology to every campaign you execute. Learn more about how to apply predictive analytics to answer complex business questions.

Data analysis applications

Analytics integration and development

Our team of archtects and developers work with your team to integrate an embedded analytics solution into your existing environment. Through the use of XML and other integrations tools, we are able to make analytics functionality a seamless extension of a variety of different applications, including: CRM, ERP, customer support and others.


Business Analytics Solutions

Predictive analytics provides organizations with a tool that can be applied to many facets of a business. We work closely with you during an engagement to identify those lines of business where these tools would provide near immediate returns and impact.

Marketing and sales

With the capture and availability of customer data, marketing and sales professionals that leverage the power of analytics are now able to get new insight into the behavior, predispositions and actions of individuals and markets at large.

Product marketing and retailing

Retailers who have traditionally worked from historical figures are now able to build more complex models that take into account heretofore unused variables to more accurately predict requirements of upcoming buying seasons.


The financial industry, the first to adopt predictive analytics, still have yet to apply the new generation of tools that are able to generate new predictive models in minutes instead of weeks.


With the increasing pressures to maintain customer loyalty and to maximize the profitability of each individual customer, the telecom industry is now turning to predictive models to more quickly spot potential churn issues, while using the same technology to better market existing products.